Are we stuck with landscape photography? Of course not, what can be more enjoyable right now, in August 2020, than travel without any restrictions and following your photographic dream. Unfortunately, as many of you reading this post in 2020 already know,
We like to travel. If we could spend all our time getting to know new cultures, places, people, we couldn't be happier. We also love to take landscape photos, but during our Asia trips we felt that we are also
Just a year and a half ago, in September, we were visiting Dolomites mountains for the first time, 2 weeks worth of landscape photography (you ca also read Muntii Dolomiti – O Calatorie fotografica). We were there in September 2017,
Since late last year we tried to introduce mindfulness in our day to day lives. Harder at first, but learning step by step, we started to become more aware of our feelings, sensations and things that are happening around us.
We, landscape photographers, usually travel thousand of km to get to a location that we wanted so much to photograph. All we do before arriving there is to dream about how are going to spend all our time with a camera
This question remains unanswered, at least for us. Sometimes we feel that we should stop struggling to find places to photograph every weekend and concentrate on having 2-3 long landscape photography trips each year. Still, small trips - 2-3 times per
Am vorbit în multe dintre articolele noastre despre evoluția noastră ca artiști, cum și unde ne-a adus fotografia. Fotografia a schimbat de mult felul în care privim lumea (citește aici unul dintre primele noastre articole), dar mai mult decât atât ne-a
Asia este unul dintre continentele noastre favorite și încercăm să ne programăm în fiecare an o excursie pe acest minunat colț de lume. Până acum am vizitat China, Malaezia, Singapore, Vietnam și o mică parte din Tailanda, iar fiecare călătorie
Anul acesta a venit rândul meu să scriu despre punctele forte ale anului ce a trecut și despre ce ne dorim de la următoarele 365 de zile, din punct de vedere fotografic. O să fiu scurt și la obiect, cu