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Dolomites - Seiser Alm - winter - snow - white - mountains - landscape photography - romanian photographer - creartphoto

A different kind of resolution – 2020

For the past 4 years, at the end of each year we have set ourselves a photography related resolution. This was as a way for us to set goals and the direction of our following year.

When I tool a look at our resolution back in 2016, I could see so clearly where we started and what is different now – you can also read REZOLUŢIE 2016. Our photography resolution was actually not that bad, considering where we were back then – at the beginning of our journey. What we wished for is something that we still struggle with up to this day -“stop, and consider that one shot that you take, your last and only shot of that place”.

We still find it difficult, after all these years, to be mindful when we are out photographing. Things happen so fast, the weather can or cannot be on your favor, the light will not last forever, so we still tend to be all over the place when we are out, taking pictures. We sometimes realize and take some big, calming breaths, that bring us to the present moment right away, sometimes we have to get home and look back to have a reveling moment.

The big difference between then and now, is that in 2016 we were chasing that colorful sky, that perfect image, the social media photograph. Now we are only searching for one thing, our own, authentic images.

So, our resolution for 2020 is to bring our own creative voice to each new image and to strive to be ourselves, even if this breaks each and every photography rule that others have written. To start working on accomplishing this, we decided to build our own small library of photography books, no matter the genre, to start analyzing what we love and hate in the work of other photographers, as an effort to discover our own balance and harmony.

And, since this year we were not able to print a photography calendar, we will close this post with our favorite images of the year 2019, hope you enjoy them.

Dolomites - Seiser Alm - winter - snow - white - mountains - landscape photography - romanian photographer - creartphoto
tree - fog - shape - snow - winter - Dolomites - Siser Alm - CreArtPhoto - landscape photography - romanian photographer - creartphoto
fir trees - forest - mountains - winter - sunset - dolomites - italy - seiser alm - landscape photography - romanian photographer - creartphoto
lost - alone - sea - hill - mystic - movement - harris - scotland - landscape photography - travel photography - CreArtPhoto - sony - zeiss lenses
storm - mountains - snow - light - showers - come and go - lewis - landscape photography - travel photography - creartphoto
Sleeping - bike - motorbike - shadow - street - Hanoi - Vietnam - Street Photography - CreArtPhoto
Vietnam street photography - flowers - offering - sale - water lily - portrait - bicycle - street - Hanoi - vietnam - street photography - CreArtPhoto
Boots - woman - street - Thailand - Asia - Street photography - CreArtphoto - romanian photographer
beach - rock - sea - waves - lewis - Scotland - sunrise - landscape photography - travel photography - sony - zeiss lenses - CreArtPhoto
rocks - storm - mountains - snow - light - showers - come and go - lewis - landscape photography - travel photography - creartphoto
light - storm - forest - lewis - scotland - landscape photography - travel photography - CreArtPhoto - sony - zeiss lenses
Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden - Himtersee - Germany - Berchtesgaden National Park - landscape - travel - photography - photographer - fir trees - forest - fresh snow - waves - CreArtPhoto - romanian photographer

We wish you happy and creative holidays and a new year full of new photographic endeavors!

După mii de fotografii ratate și sute de momente minunate petrecute cu aparatul în mână, m-am hotărât să pun pe hârtie tot ce am învățat. O călătorie perpetuă în lumea fotografiei.

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