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Enthusiasm in photography

For all your endeavors, but especially for creative ones, enthusiasm is key to obtaining great results. What made you pick up the camera in the first place and what drives you to shoot a certain subject up until this moment? It doesn’t matter if your subject is a place, a person, an event, something attracts and excites you about that particular thing, whether you realize it or not.

We love spending time in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nature, where our thoughts can feed our vision, so landscape photography was and always will be the right path for us. This is not only because we feel comfortable on top of the mountain, but because we look with enthusiasm at every single escape that leads us outside the city. At first we felt a urge to go out and make photographs, but as time passed by we have come to enjoy every night without artificial light that allows us to admire the milky way, every colorful sunset, every whispering of a river that is not covered by the noise of the city.

We now have the choice of whether to get the camera out of the bag or not, we think twice before pressing the shutter and this is because we try to pre-visualizer every new image, from start to finish.

hambare - Fundata - Brasov - Bran - Romania - munte - verde - primavara - furtuna - fotografie peisaj - CreArtPhoto


We find gratitude in every little thing that catches our attention and we try to bring it to life through our photographs. This is the real joy of creating images, working for yourself, your vision, your opinions and your passions. And this is going to show up sooner or later in your work and your excitement towards a certain genre of images will stand out.

One friend said at one point in time that all our images give the viewer a sad feeling, and this is totally true. We are attracted to subjects that are melancholic, that lead you into meditation rather than joy. And this is ok, because this is our way of looking at life and our images reflect our point of view.

And, still, we have so much to learn… so long to find out about our true voice, but as long as enthusiasm is there, we will keep on learning, working, improving.

What about you, what are you enthusiastic about? What gets you out of bed in the morning? We would love to hear your own experiences.

După mii de fotografii ratate și sute de momente minunate petrecute cu aparatul în mână, m-am hotărât să pun pe hârtie tot ce am învățat. O călătorie perpetuă în lumea fotografiei.

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